dictionar englez roman

ease out

ease outușor în afară

Termeni asemănători cu "ease out": eased, east, easy assist, echoed, ecto, egad, egg white, egg-head, egged, egghead, egoist, eight, eighth, eightieth, eighty, eighty-two, eject, ejected, eked, eked out, equated, equity, eschewed, essayed, Esta, estate, estate duty, exact, exacted, exactitude, exceeded, excited, excogitated, executed, exhaust, exhausted, exit, exited, exquisite, exsiccated, exuded, eye shadow, eyeshot, eyesight, the eighth, the eightieth, to egest, to eject, to eke out, to equate, to exact, to exceed, to excite, to excogitate, to execute, to exhaust, to exist, to exit, to exsiccate, to exude.

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