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Fraze exemplificatoare cu existence

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  • The basic fact about human existence is not that it is a tragedy, but that it is a bore. (Existența umană nu este o tragedie, ci o plictiseală.) - H.L. Mencken
  • The entire sum of existence is the magic of being needed by just one person. (Ansamblul întregii vieți este magia faptului că o singură persoană are nevoie de tine.) - Vii Putnam
  • Happiness is the only sanction of life; where happiness fails, existence remains a mad and lamentable experiment. (Fericirea este singura pedeapsă a vieții; când fericirea eșuează, existența devine un experiment nebun și lamentabil.) - George Santayana
  • As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being. (După cât ne putem da seama, singurul scop al existenței umane este să aprindă o lumină în întunecimea ființei.) - Carl Gustav Jung
  • Life is to be fortified by many friendships. To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence. (Viața trebuie întărită prin multe prietenii. Să iubești și să fii iubit este cea mai mare fericire pe care ți-o oferă viața.) - Sydney Smith
  • In the little world in which children have their existence, whosoever brings them up, there is nothing so finely perceived and so finely felt, as injustice. (În lumea mică în care își duc existența copiii, indiferent cine i-ar crește, nimic nu este observat și simțit mai bine ca nedreptatea.) - Charles Dickens
  • Live neither in the present nor the future, but in the eternal. The giant weed (of evil) cannot flower there this blot upon existence is wiped out by the very atmosphere of eternal thought. (Nu trăi nici în prezent, nici în viitor, ci în eternitate. Buruiana uriașă (a răului) nu poate înflori acolo: această pată a existenței este ștearsă doar de simpla idee a gândului etern.) - Elena Blavatschi
  • In past people never questioned existence of god, because they knew he exists. In future too they will not, because they will know he doesn't. (În trecut, oamenii nu puneau la îndoială existența lui Dumnezeu, pentru că știau că există. In viitor la fel nu se vor mai îndoi, căci vor ști că nu există.) - B.J. Gupta
  • The ancient Ionians were the first we know of to argue systematically that laws and forces of Nature, rather than gods, are responsible for the order and even the existence of the world. (Ionienii antici au fost primii despre care știm că susțineau în mod sistematic că legile și forțele naturii, mai degrabă decât zeii, sunt responsabile pentru rânduiala și chiar pentru existența lumii.) - Carl Sagan

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Imagini exemplificatoare pentru existence

Small photo of Jakarta, Indonesia - December 9 2022: Marriage book (buku nikah), Indonesian official marriage certificate which is legal proof of the existence of a marriage. Issued by Ministry of Religious AffairsSmall photo of A baby deer or Chevrotain following their mother. It is also known as rat deer, found mainly in Vietnam or Southeast Asia. They are members of the family Tragulidae. They are on the verge of existenceSmall photo of The crisis destroys the national banking financial system. Bankruptcy. Threat to state existence. Bank fall. Stress test. High percentage of problem loans. Incoming lawsuits. Economy collapseSmall photo of Cuddling in nature between humans and cats is the ultimate goal of existence, the cat thinks. But he doesn't know that the girl was thinking the same when she entered the woods. Tourism and cats.Small photo of Tolerance and solidarity. Painted faces on different stones as a symbol of teamwork. International tolerance and emotional intelligence. Joint action and existence. One team called humanity.Small photo of Fiery circle of life on black smoke backdrop. Round symbolism, fire sparks depict the eternal rhythm of existence and transformation.Small photo of Ancient Temple Ruins In My Son Sanctuary, Vietnam. My Son Sanctuary Is An Important Historical Relic That Represents The Cham Kingdom's Existence In Central Vietnam.Small photo of A dead specimen of Passer domesticus, or house sparrow. It is one of the usual birds in rural and urban environments, but its population is in decline, and its existence is threatened. Aragon, Spain.Small photo of Small business existence at COVID-19 lockdown concept. Professional manicure master in Transparent Safety Face Shield using Electric Nail Polisher Tool for Glazing treatment manicure procedure.Small photo of Colorful hands. Hands on the globe. Different races of people. One team called humanity. Racial tolerance. Joint action and existence.

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