dictionar englez roman


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  • Some editors are failed writers, but so are most writers. (Unii editori sunt scriitori ratați, însă în aceeași situație se află și majoritatea scriitorilor.) - T.S. Eliot
  • This year, or this month, or, more likely, this very day, we have failed to practise ourselves the kind of behaviour we expect from other people. (În acest an sau în această lună sau, mai curând, chiar în această zi, nu am reușit să ne comportăm în felul în care ne așteptăm să se comporte alții.) - C.S. Lewis
  • Friendship is one of the sweetest joys of life. Many might have failed beneath the bitterness of their trial had they not found a friend. (Prietenia este una din cele mai dulci bucurii ale vieții. Mulți ar fi eșuat din cauza amărăciunii chinurilor la care au fost supuși, dacă nu ar fi găsit un prieten.) - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
  • I followed my heart and figured that if I tried and failed, at least I'd know that I tried. (Mi-am urmat inima și mi-am dat seama că dacă am încercat și am eșuat, cel puțin am satisfacția că am încercat.) - Michelle Branch
  • I think the main reason my marriages failed is that I always loved too well but never wisely. (Cred că motivul principal din pricina căruia căsniciile mele au eșuat este că de fiecare dată am iubit prea bine, însă nu cu înțelepciune.) - Ava Gardner
  • One can also learn from a failed attempt. (Încercarea și când nu reușește e o școală.) - George Coșbuc
  • All outward forms of change brought about by wars, revolutions, reformations, laws and ideologies have failed completely to change the basic nature of man and therefore of society. (Toate formele exterioare de schimbare aduse de războaie, de revoluții, de reforme, de legi și ideologii au eșuat complet în a schimba natura de bază a omului și prin urmare, a societății.) - Krishnamurti
  • I have not failed 999 times. I have simply found 999 ways how not to create a light bulb. (Nu am dat greș de 999 ori. Pur și simplu am descoperit 999 de feluri în care nu se construiește un bec.) - Thomas Edison
  • Nearly everyone in ancient Egypt exhorted the gods to let the Pharaoh live forever. These collective prayers failed. Their failure constitutes data. (Aproape toată lumea din Egiptul antic au îndemnat zeii pentru a-i permite faraonului să trăiască pentru totdeauna. Aceste rugăciuni colective au eșuat. Eșecul lor constituie date...) - Carl Sagan

Exemple de fraze cu failed

Imagini exemplificatoare pentru failed

Small photo of AI Error, System Alert Artificial Intelligence technology has detected a serious system error. System connection failed technology crimesSmall photo of Overcooked and burnt pizza on a tray. Top view of a home made failed pizza.Small photo of Unsuccessful relationships, failed marriage, relations break up, misunderstanding. Silent sad older married couple sit on sofa separately ponder over problems feel dissatisfied, thinking about divorceSmall photo of Sad girl holding phone and card while sitting in kitchen at home, failed online payment, failed shopping, scams on the internet.Small photo of Frustrated sad puzzled Asian brunette girl, freelancer or designer, got a negative result, failed the project, looks desperately at laptop screen, holds her hands on her head, have stressed situationSmall photo of Frustrated businessman with laptop in hands. Worried trader man failed on stock exchange failed in trading, falling sales, business collapse, difficulties financial problems, burnt investmentsSmall photo of Upset businessman banging his head against wall in despair looks stressed having problems at work, bankruptcy, business failure unsuccessful negotiations, project loss, failed job interview conceptSmall photo of sump pump failed and basement has flooded with water

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