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make do and mend

Imagini exemplificatoare pentru make do and mend

Small photo of Brackley, Northamptonshire, England - January 8th 2020: Make do and mend sewing project. Frugal lifestyle habits enjoy revival, due to popularity of upcycling and sustainable living.Small photo of Patched cloth background - make do and mend conceptSmall photo of A ball of grey yarn or wool resting on knitting showing different stictches and textures. Crafting, knitting, make do and mend, hand craft concepts.Small photo of A ball of grey yarn or wool resting on knitting showing different stictches and textures. Crafting, knitting, make do and mend, hand craft concepts.Small photo of A ball of grey yarn or wool resting on knitting showing different stictches and textures. Crafting, knitting, make do and mend, hand craft concepts.

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