dictionar englez roman


toys intended for use in waterjucării nautice
toys representing animals or non-human creaturesjucării reprezentând animale sau creaturi neumane
clockwork toysjucării cu arc
clockwork toysjucării mecanice
the children's toysjucăriile copiilor
This directive shall apply to toys.Prezenta directivă se aplică pentru jucării.

Este posibil să fie o formă declinată/conjugată/derivată, vezi și rădăcina.

Termeni asemănători cu "Toys": tach, tachs, tack, tacks, tacky, Tad's, Tadd's, Taddeo's, Taddeus, Taddeus's, Tadeas, Tadeas's, tads, tag, tags, Tai's, taiga, Tait's, Taite's, Tajik, take, Tasha, Tasha's, Tasia, Tasia's, task, tasks, Tate's, tats, tattoos, Tawsha, Tawsha's, tax, taxes, taxi, Tay's, tea cosies, tea cosy, teak, tease, teases, tech, techs, techy, Ted's, Tedd's, Tedda's, Teddi's, Teddie's, Teddy's, Tedi's, Tedie's, tedious, Teo's, Teodosia, Teodosia's, Teodosie, Teodosie's, Tess, Tess's, Tessa, Tessa's, Tessi, Tessi's, Tessie, Tessie's, Tessy, Tessy's, tetchy, Thad's, Thaddeus, Thaddeus's, Thaddius, Thaddius's, Thaddus, Thaddus's, Thadeus, Thadeus's, that is, that is why, that's why, thatch, Thatch, Thatch's, thatches, The Caucasus, the discus, the ego, The House, the out edge, the quick, the sack, the sauce, the shakes, Thea's, Theada's, Theda's, Theo's, Theodosia, Theodosia's, these, theses, thesis, thews, they say, Thia's, thick, thickish, thigh, thighs, this, this is how, this is why, this way, those, though, thuds, thug, thugs, thuja, thus, Tia's, tic, tick, ticks, tides, tidies, Tijah, Tijah's, Tish, Tish's, Tisha, Tisha's, Tisoy, Tisoy's, tissue, Tito's, Titos, Titos's, tits, Titus, Titus's, tizzy, to a zoo, to excess, to tack, to tag, to take, to take a hike, to take a joke, to take a zizz, to take away, to take sick, to tax, to taxi, to teach, to tease, to thatch, to the quick, to the tick, to thwack, to tick, to tissue, to tog, to toke, to toss, to toss cookies, to touch, to tuck, to tuck away, to tug, to tweak, to twig, to us, to whose, tockus, Tod's, today week, Todd's, Toddie's, Toddy's, toes, tog, Togo, togs, Tojia, Tojia's, toke, tokes, tokis, tokus, toothache, toots, Tootsie, Tootsie's, tootsy, toss, totes, Toto's, touch, touches, touchy, tough, toughie, toughies, towage, towages, tows, toxic, tuck, Tuck, Tuck's, Tuckie, Tuckie's, Tucky, Tucky's, tug, tugs, tush, tushes, tusk, tussock, twats, tweak, tweeds, Tweese, twice, twig, twigs, twitch, twitchy, twits, two days, two days ago, two shakes, Ty's, Tye's, tyke, Tyssie, Tyssie's.

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