dictionar englez roman


Este o conjugare a verbului to fill.

fills of tobaccolulele de tutuncantitatea care intră în găvan
fills of tobaccopipe de tutuncantitatea care intră în găvan

Termeni asemănători cu "fills": fabulous, fails, fall guy, fallacious, fallacy, fallows, falls, false, false key, false keys, Felecia, Felecia's, Felice, Felice's, Felicia, Felicia's, Felicio, Felicio's, Felisha, Felisha's, Felix, Felix's, Feliza, Feliza's, fellows, files, Filia's, fillies, flack, flacks, flag, flags, flak, flake, flaky, flash, flashy, flask, flasks, flawless, flaws, flax, fleck, fleece, fleeces, fleecy, flesh, fleshes, fleshy, flex, flexes, flick, flicks, Flo's, flock, flocks, floes, floosie, floosies, floosy, floozie, floozies, floozy, floss, Flossi, Flossi's, Flossie, Flossie's, Flossy, Flossy's, flows, flues, fluke, flush, flushes, flux, fluxes, foals, foibles, foils, foliage, folk, folks, foolish, full age, to fall sick, to feel like, to feel shaky, to feel sick, to filch, to flack, to flag, to flake, to flash, to fleck, to fleece, to flesh, to flex, to flick, to flock, to flog, to flush, to flux, to fly high.

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