dictionar englez roman


Monday through Fridayde luni până vineriinclusiv
Monday to Friday inclusivede luni până vineri inclusiv
Does Monday suit you?Îți convine lunea?
last Mondaylunea trecută
on Mondaylunea
on Mondayluni
on Mondayslunea
We are paid on Mondays.Primim banii lunea.

Termeni asemănători cu "monday": mad, Mada, Maddi, Maddie, Maddy, made, Madi, Mady, Mahmoud, Mahmud, mahout, maid, maimed, mammoth, man to tie to, Manda, mandate, Mandi, Mandie, Mandy, manhood, mat, mate, maté, Matei, Mateo, matey, Mathew, Matt, matte, Matteo, Matthew, Matthieu, Matthiew, Matti, Mattie, Matty, maud, Maud, Maude, Maudie, Mayda, Mayday, mayhemed, mayweed, me too., mead, Mead, Meade, meadow, meant, meat, meathead, meatheaded, meaty, med, media, mediae, mediate, mediated, meditated, meet, memento, men to tie to, mended, Mendie, meowed, met, Meta, mete, meth, method, miaowed, mid, midday, middy, MIDI, midway, mimed, mind, mind you do, Minda, minded, Mindie, Mindy, Minetta, Minette, mint, Minta, minted, Mintee, minuet, minute, minutiae, mite, mitt, moaned, moat, mode, Mohamad, Mohamed, Mohammad, Mohammed, moiety, moment, monad, mondo, moneyed, Monte, month, Montitea, Monty, monument, mood, moody, mooed, moot, mote, moth, mothy, motto, mound, mount, mounted, mouth, mowed, mud, muddy, Muhammad, mut, mutated, mute, mutt, myth, to manumit, to mean to do, to mediate, to meditate, to meet, to meet the eye, to mend, to mind, to mint, to mount, to mutate, to mute.

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