dictionar englez roman


within four wallsîn tainăfigurat în limba engleză
within four wallspe ascunsfigurat în limba engleză
within the wallsîn cetate
within the wallsîn interiorul orașului
within the wallsîn oraș
within the wallsîntre zidurilecetății
within the walls ofîntre zidurile
without the wallsafară de oraș
without the wallsîn afara zidurilor cetății

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Termeni asemănători cu "walls": to walk, to welk, to welsh, wails, Wales, walk, walkway, walkways, Wallace, Wallace's, Wallache, Wallache's, Wallas, Wallas's, Wallie's, wallies, Wallis, Wallis's, Wally's, Walsh, Walsh's, Waly's, Welch, Welch's, wells, Wells, Wells's, Welsh, Welsh's, Welshes, whales, wheelhouse, wheelhouses, wheels, whelk, whelks, whole cheese, whole eggs, whole hog, Wilek, Wilek's, Wiley's, Wilie's, Will's, Willa's, Willey's, Willi's, Willie's, Willis, Willis's, Willow's, wills, Willy's, Wilow's, wollies, woolies, Wylie's.


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