dictionar roman englez


Bravo! Bully for you!
Bravo! Hurray!
Bravo! That's it!
Bravo! That's the right spirit!
Bravo! That's the spirit!
Bravo! That's the style!
Bravo! That's the talk!
Bravo! At a boy!
Bravo! Good for you!
Bravo! Well done!
Bravo! Rah!argou în limba engleză
Bravo! Thumbs-up!exprimând satisfacție
Bravo! Ataboy!familiar
Bravo! Att a boy!familiar
Bravo! Attaboy!familiar
Bravo! Good show!învechit în limba engleză
Couldn't select: Table './roen_dictionar/citat_cache_roen' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed