dictionar roman englez


Este o conjugare a verbului a constata.

constatat ascertained
constatat observed
în cazul insolvabilității unui debitor constatate pe cale judecătorească in the event of legally established insolvency of the debtor
Am constatat că părăsise casa. We found that he had left the house.
Cercetând lada mai atent am constatat că e goală. On examining the box closer I found it empty.
Comunitățile au constatat creanța. The communities have established the amount receivable.
data la care s-a constatat neregula the date on which the irregularity was discovered
măsura afectată de neregula constatată the measure concerned where an irregularity was discovered
misiunea a constatat, inter alia, că the mission revealed, inter alia, that
numărul și tipul infracțiunilor constatate the number and type of infringements established
renunțând la recuperarea unei creanțe constatate waiving of recovery of an established amount receivable
Couldn't select: Table './roen_dictionar/citat_cache_roen' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed