dictionar roman englez


reducerea consumului de energie the reduction of energy consumption
reducerea drepturilor de import reduction in import duties
Reducerea efectuată se menționează. The reduction made shall be stated.
reducerea emisiilor sonore the reduction of noise emissions
reducerea nu poate fi mai mare de this reduction shall not be higher than
reducerea și utilizarea eficientă a deșeurilor the minimisation and efficient use of waste
coeficientul de reducere aplicat the reduction coefficient applied
a face o reducere de to make a deduction deconjugări
a face o reducere de to make a deduction ofconjugări
a face o reducere la un articol to make an allowance on an articleconjugări
măsuri temporare de reducere temporary reduction measures
a obține o reducere de preț la o marfă to get things half-priceconjugări
până la o reducere a prezentei scutiri to a lowering of this exemption
pentru reducerea costurilor de producție to reduce production costs

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Couldn't select: Table './roen_dictionar/citat_cache_roen' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed