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Exemple din articole cu personifying

Imagini exemplificatoare pentru personifying

Small photo of Remained statue of Sophia, personifying wisdom, on facade of Library of Celsus in Ephesus, Turkey..Small photo of Oymyakon, Yakutia - February 05 2018: sculpture of the Ox, personifying the cold in the Oymyakon - the Pole of ColdSmall photo of Funny smiling welsh corgi pembroke dog in warm winter hat with earflaps and sunglasses personifying russian style on yellow background, copy space for advertisingSmall photo of Funny smiling welsh corgi pembroke or cardigan dog in warm winter hat with earflaps and sunglasses with polarizing lenses personifying russian style on yellow background, copy space for advertisingSmall photo of Wrangelbrunnen, a fountain in Berlin-Kreuzberg, built in 1877 by Hugo Hagen. Four figures personifying the four rivers Rhine, Weichsel (Vistula), Elbe and Oder. Built in marble, granite and bronzeSmall photo of Funny smiling welsh corgi pembroke dog in warm winter hat with earflaps and sunglasses personifying russian style on yellow background, copy space for advertisingSmall photo of A pigeon feather lies on a green undergrowth of a meadow, personifying lightnessSmall photo of Oymyakon, Yakutia - February 05 2018: sculpture of the Ox, personifying the cold in the Oymyakon - the Pole of Cold

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