dictionar englez roman


Este o conjugare a verbului to forget.

I forgot my password.Mi-am uitat parola.
long absent soon forgottenochii care nu se văd se uităproverb
Seldom seen soon forgotten.Ochii care nu se văd se uită.
unforgottende neuitat
Vows made in storms are forgotten in calms.Jurămintele făcute când tună se uită când e vremea bună.proverb

Termeni asemănători cu "Forgot": fabricated, fair site, farced, ferocious heat, ferocity, fireside, first, first aid, for good, foraged, forced, forecast, forecasted, foreshadowed, foresight, foressed, forest, Forest, forested, forged, forged ahead, forked, forked out, Forrest, four-sided, fraught, freaked, freaked out, freight, freighted, frigate, fright, frigid, frigidity, frisked, frock coat, frost, frosted, frosty, frowst, the fairest, the fiercest, the first, the freakiest, the frowsiest, the frowziest, to fabricate, to forecast, to foreshadow, to forest, to forge ahead, to forget, to fork out, to freak out, to freeze out, to freeze to death, to freight, to frost, to frowst.

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