dictionar englez roman


transportation and related services industryindustria mijloacelor de transport
transportation by vehicles for containerized freighttransport cu vehicule de marfă containerizată
transportation by vehicles for dry bulk goodstransport cu vehicule de mărfuri uscate
transportation by vehicles for furniture removalstransport cu vehicule pentru mutări de mobilă
transportation by vehicles for petroleum productstransport cu vehicule pentru produse petroliere
transportation costscheltuieli de transport
transportation of containerized freighttransport de marfă containerizată, cu orar
transportation of crude oiltransport de petrol brut
transportation of dry bulk goodstransport de marfă uscată
transportation of frozen or refrigerated goodstransport de marfă înghețată sau refrigerată
transportation of mail by roadtransport rutier de poștă
transportation of natural gastransport de gaze naturale
transportation of natural gas via pipelinestransport de gaze naturale prin conducte
transportation of other bulk liquids or gasestransport de alte lichide sau gaze neîmbuteliate
transportation of other freighttransport de altă marfă
transportation of other freight by airtransport aerian de altă marfă
transportation of other freight by roadtransport rutier de alte mărfuri
transportation of other goodstransport de alte bunuri

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