dictionar englez roman


The accident sent him looking for a new car.Accidentul l-a făcut să caute o mașină nouă.
These will be the scissors you're looking for, I think.Bănuiesc că asta e foarfeca pe care o cauți.
These will be the scissors you're looking for, I think.Cred că asta e foarfeca pe care o cauți.
These will be the scissors you're looking for, I think.N-o fi asta foarfeca pe care o cauți?
These will be the scissors you're looking for, I think.Probabil că asta e foarfeca pe care o cauți.
This is what I was looking for!Este exact ceea ce căutam!
You found me where no one else was looking.M-ai găsit acolo unde nimeni nu s-a gândit să caute.

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Termeni asemănători cu "Lookin": lacuna, lacunae, lagoon, Lajeana, Lawson, legion, Leighann, Leighanna, lesion, less known, lesson, leukemia, lexicon, liaison, lichen, Lisanne, lissom, lissome, lock session, log on, Logan, logician, login, logjam, Lucian, Luciana, Luciano, Lucien, Lucienne, Lucina, Lucine, to lay a scheme, to lessen, to liken, to lock on, to look in, to look on, to loosen.

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