dictionar englez roman


the Powers aboveputerile cerești
the powers that becei care dețin autoritatea
the powers that becei care dețin puterea
the powers that bemai marii noștriaproximativ
the respective powers of the debtor and the liquidatoratribuțiile debitorului și ale lichidatorului
without prejudice to the powers of the Communityfără a aduce atingere competențelor Comunității

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Termeni asemănători cu "Powers": paper work, paperwork, paprica, paprika, papyrus, Paraguay, Paris, Paris's, parish, parishes, park, Park, Park's, parka, Parke, Parke's, Parry's, parse, parses, pay rise, payers, Pearce, Pearce's, peepers, peerage, peeress, peers, Peirce, Peirce's, perc, perch, perches, Percy, Percy's, Peri's, Peria's, perky, Perri's, Perry's, pers, Persis, Persis's, pharisee, phrase, Pier's, Pierce, Pierce's, Pierre's, Piper's, pipework, piracy, poorhouse, poppers, porch, porches, porgy, pork, porky, porous, power house, powerhouse, praise, praxis, precious, precis, precise, precocious, presage, presages, press, presses, prexie, prexies, prexy, preys, Prez, price, Price, Price's, pricey, prick, pricks, prig, priggish, prigs, prioress, Pris, Pris's, Prisca, Prisca's, Prissie, Prissie's, prissy, prize, process, prog, pros, prosaic, prose, prosy, prowess, prows, proxy, Pru's, Prue's, Pryce, Pryce's, puffers, purchase, purge, purges, purse, to parch, to park, to parse, to pauperize, to perch, to perish, to perk, to peruse, to pierce, to preach, to presage, to press, to price, to prick, to prig, to prize, to process, to prorogue, to purchase, to purge, to purse, to pursue.

Citat exemplificator în engleză-română

I sit here all day trying to persuade people to do the things they ought to have the sense to do without my persuading them. That's all the powers of the President amount to.
(Harry Truman)
Stau aici toată ziua încercând să-i conving pe oameni să facă lucrurile pe care ar trebui să le facă singuri, fără să-i conving eu. La asta se rezumă toată puterea președintelui.
(Harry Truman)
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