dictionar englez roman


other accommodation servicesalte servicii de cazare
the person responsible for the accommodationpersoana responsabilă de găzduire
tourist accommodationcazare turistică
transfer modalities and modes of transportationmodalități de transfer și moduri de transport
wheelchair accommodation provisionsprevederi privind găzduirea scaunelor cu rotile

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Termeni asemănători cu "moda": mad, Mada, Maddi, Maddie, Maddy, made, Madi, Mady, Mahmoud, Mahmud, mahout, maid, maimed, mammoth, man to tie to, Manda, mandate, Mandi, Mandie, Mandy, manhood, mat, mate, maté, Matei, Mateo, matey, Mathew, Matt, matte, Matteo, Matthew, Matthieu, Matthiew, Matti, Mattie, Matty, maud, Maud, Maude, Maudie, Mayda, Mayday, mayhemed, mayweed, me too., mead, Mead, Meade, meadow, meant, meat, meathead, meatheaded, meaty, med, media, mediae, mediate, mediated, meditated, meet, memento, men to tie to, mended, Mendie, meowed, met, Meta, mete, meth, method, miaowed, mid, midday, middy, MIDI, midway, mimed, mind, mind you do, Minda, minded, Mindie, Mindy, Minetta, Minette, mint, Minta, minted, Mintee, minuet, minute, minutiae, mite, mitt, moaned, moat, mode, Mohamad, Mohamed, Mohammad, Mohammed, moiety, moment, monad, Monday, mondo, moneyed, Monte, month, Montitea, Monty, monument, mood, moody, mooed, moot, mote, moth, mothy, motto, mound, mount, mounted, mouth, mowed, mud, muddy, Muhammad, mut, mutated, mute, mutt, myth, to manumit, to mean to do, to mediate, to meditate, to meet, to meet the eye, to mend, to mind, to mint, to mount, to mutate, to mute.

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