dictionar englez roman


red-handedprins în flagrant delict
right-handedcare folosește mâna dreaptă
single-handedfără ajutor
to take somebody red-handeda prinde pe cineva asupra faptuluiconjugări
to take somebody red-handeda prinde pe cineva în flagrant delictconjugări

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Termeni asemănători cu "handed": Hamid, Hammad, Hamnet, hand, handed out, handout, handy, haunt, haunted, hemmed, hind, Hinda, Hindi, Hindoo, Hindu, hint, hinted, homemade, honed, honeydew, honeyed, hound, hounded, humanity, humid, humidity, hummed, hunt, Hunt, hunted, Hynda, to hand, to hand it to, to hand out, to haunt, to hint, to hound, to hum and haw, to hunt.

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