dictionar englez roman


to set at noughta ridiculizaconjugări
to set at noughta nu da niciun ban pefamiliar în limba românăconjugări
to set somebody at noughta desfide pe cinevaconjugări
to set somebody at noughta sfida pe cinevaconjugări
to speak all to noughta vorbi în vanconjugări
to speak all to noughta vorbi în zadarconjugări

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Termeni asemănători cu "nought": nagged, naked, naked eye, nasty, naught, naughty, nauseated, necesity, necessitated, necessity, necked, necktie, negated, negotiated, neighed, nest, Nesta, nested, newscast, next, next to, nicety, Nichita, nicked, night, nighty, Nikita, no good, no sweat, non sked, nougat, nugget, the newest, to nauseate, to necessitate, to negate, to negotiate, to nest, to nix out.

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