dictionar roman englez


Alessandra Alessandranume feminin
Alessandrei Alessandra'snume feminin
Alessandro Alessandronume masculin
A fost rănită în cele mai alese sentimente. She was wounded in her deepest affections.
acest lucru înseamnă mai ales că this shall in particular mean that
calești calashes
Casele satului erau făcute mai ales din lut. The village was mostly of mud houses.
Ce roman ai ales? Which novel did you choose?
Ce roman ți-ai ales? Which novel did you choose?
Ce tablou ai ales? Which of the paintings is your pick?
cea mai cu maniere alese the most well-mannered
cea mai galeșă the most lackadaisical
cei mai cu maniere alese the most well-mannered
cei mai galeși the most lackadaisical
cel mai cu maniere alese the most well-mannered
cel mai galeș the most lackadaisical
cele mai cu maniere alese the most well-mannered
cele mai galeșe the most lackadaisical
Chiar nu ți-ai ales bine prioritățile. You really don't have the right priorities!
coalescență ballingchimie, fizică

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Couldn't select: Table './roen_dictionar/citat_cache_roen' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed