dictionar roman englez


alunecos greasy
alunecos sleek
alunecos slippery
alunecos as slippery as an eel
alunecoși lubricious
alunecoși as slippery as an eel
alunele earth nutBunium bulbocastanum; botanică
alunele pignutBunium bulbocastanum; botanică
alunele porcești pignutBunium bulbocastanum; botanică
A alunecat pe gheață. She slipped on the ice.
Am alunecat. My foot slipped.
a bea ceva după o mâncare pentru a o face să alunece mai ușor pe gât to wash down food with somethingconjugări
care alunecă printre degete as slippery as an eel
cea mai alunecoasă the most lubricious
cei mai alunecoși the most lubricious
cel mai alunecos the most lubricious
cele mai alunecoase the most lubricious
mai alunecoasă more lubricious
mai alunecoase more lubricious
mai alunecos more lubricious

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