dictionar roman englez


Insulele Feroe Faroe Islands
Insulele Fiji Fiji Islands
insulele Filipine Philippine Islands
Insulele Mariane de Nord Northern Mariana Islands
Insulele Marshall Marshall Islands
Insulele Minore de Coastă ale S.U.A. U.S. Minor Outlying Islands
Insulele Minore de Coastă ale Statelor Unite United States Minor Outlying Islands
Insulele Solomon Solomon Islands
Insulele Svalbard și Jan Mayen Svalbard and Jan Mayen Island
Insulele Turks și Caicos Turks and Caicos Islands
Insulele Virgine ale S.U.A. United States Virgin Islands
Insulele Virgine ale Statelor Unite Virgin Islands of the United States
Insulele Virgine Britanice British Virgin Islands
mistreț din insulele Moluce babirusaBabirussa babirussa
pensule brushes
pensule paintbrushes
Republica Insulelor Fiji Republic of the Fiji Islands
Ridică-te, leneșule! Up with you, lazy boy!ce ești
Scoală-te, leneșule! Up with you, lazy boy!ce ești
Teritoriul Insulei Christmas Territory of Christmas Island

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