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Exemple din articole cu Leonardo's

Imagini exemplificatoare pentru Leonardo's

Small photo of Milan, Italy - March 28, 2022: Leonardo's Horse (Cavallo di Leonardo) is a bronze statue by Nina Akamu, made in 1999 after the work of Leonardo da Vinci, exposed at the San Siro racetrack.Small photo of Italy, Vigevano (Pavia) - 9 December 2023: Leonardo Museum with the "Pinacoteca", an ideal collection of all of Leonardo's works, reproduced to perfection.Small photo of Italy, Vigevano (Pavia) - 9 December 2023: Leonardo Museum with the "Pinacoteca", an ideal collection of all of Leonardo's works, reproduced to perfection.Small photo of Italy, Vigevano (Pavia) - 9 December 2023: Leonardo Museum with the "Pinacoteca", an ideal collection of all of Leonardo's works, reproduced to perfection.Small photo of Italy, Vigevano (Pavia) - 9 December 2023: Leonardo Museum with the "Pinacoteca", an ideal collection of all of Leonardo's works, reproduced to perfection.Small photo of Italy, Vigevano (Pavia) - 9 December 2023: Leonardo Museum with the "Pinacoteca", an ideal collection of all of Leonardo's works, reproduced to perfection.Small photo of Italy, Vigevano (Pavia) - 9 December 2023: Leonardo Museum with the "Pinacoteca", an ideal collection of all of Leonardo's works, reproduced to perfection.Small photo of Italy, Vigevano (Pavia) - 9 December 2023: Leonardo Museum with the "Pinacoteca", an ideal collection of all of Leonardo's works, reproduced to perfection.Small photo of Italy, Vigevano (Pavia) - 9 December 2023: Leonardo Museum with the "Pinacoteca", an ideal collection of all of Leonardo's works, reproduced to perfection.Small photo of Italy, Vigevano (Pavia) - 9 December 2023: Leonardo Museum with the "Pinacoteca", an ideal collection of all of Leonardo's works, reproduced to perfection.Small photo of Italy, Vigevano (Pavia) - 9 December 2023: Leonardo Museum with the "Pinacoteca", an ideal collection of all of Leonardo's works, reproduced to perfection.Small photo of Italy, Vigevano (Pavia) - 9 December 2023: Leonardo Museum with the "Pinacoteca", an ideal collection of all of Leonardo's works, reproduced to perfection.Small photo of Italy, Vigevano (Pavia) - 9 December 2023: Leonardo Museum with the "Pinacoteca", an ideal collection of all of Leonardo's works, reproduced to perfection.

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