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Exemple din articole cu hames

Imagini exemplificatoare pentru hames

Small photo of Perth, Western Australia - 1 February 2020: The Swan Bell Tower, designed by Perth architects Hames Sharley it houses the Swan Bells, 18 bells, in its 82.5 meter glass and copper tower.Small photo of Perth, Western Australia - 1 February 2020: The Swan Bell Tower, designed by Perth architects Hames Sharley it houses the Swan Bells, 18 bells, in its 82.5 meter glass and copper tower.Small photo of Perth, Western Australia - 1 February 2020: The Swan Bell Tower, designed by Perth architects Hames Sharley it houses the Swan Bells, 18 bells, in its 82.5 meter glass and copper tower.Small photo of LONDON, UK. November 12, 2019: Jordan Hames arriving for the ITV Palooza at the Royal Festival Hall, London. Picture: Steve Vas/FeatureflashSmall photo of LONDON, UK. November 12, 2019: Jordan Hames arriving for the ITV Palooza at the Royal Festival Hall, London. Picture: Steve Vas/FeatureflashSmall photo of London, United Kingdom- January 29, 2020: Jordan Hames attends the 'Birds of Prey' world premiere at the BFI IMAX in London, UK.

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