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Imagini exemplificatoare pentru nudibranchs

Small photo of Tide pools around Australia's Northwest Cape harbor tons of coastal marine species including many species of nudibranch. Nudibranchs are a type of sea slug.Small photo of A colorful nudibranch, Chromodoris elizabethina, crawls over a shallow coral reef in Indonesia. This species, along with many other nudibranchs, feeds on aplysilid sponges.Small photo of A small, colorful nudibranch feeds on hydroids on a coral reef in Indonesia. Nudibranchs have evolved to display warning coloration to potential predators due to either poison or potential to sting.Small photo of Underwater macro photography of sea slugs, nudibranchs and small animals living under the sea.Small photo of Nudibranchs have gills on the outside of their bodies. The gills are colorful and some contain poison. The color and poison in the gills of nudibranchs comes from the food they eat.Small photo of Nudibranchs,njuːdÉȘbraeNk,are a group of soft-bodied, marine gastropod molluscsSmall photo of Flabellina is a genus of sea slugs, specifically aeolid nudibranchs. These animals are marine gastropod molluscs in the family FlabellinidaeSmall photo of A vibrant nudibranch, Chromodoris magnifica, crawls slowly across a shallow coral reef in Komodo National Park, Indonesia. Nudibranchs are colorful as a warning to predators that they are toxic.Small photo of A vibrant nudibranch, Chromodoris magnifica, crawls slowly across a shallow coral reef in Komodo National Park, Indonesia. Nudibranchs are colorful as a warning to predators that they are toxic.Small photo of Thousands of tiny eggs are found in a brilliant egg coil laid by a Spanish dancer nudibranch in Indonesia. These large, nocturnal nudibranchs are found throughout the Indo-Pacific region.Small photo of Group of the colorful underwater nudibranch on the coral reef. Underwater photography of different nudibranchs. Night scuba diving with tropical marine animals.Small photo of A yellow aeolid nudibranch crawls across a blue rock surface on a reef in California. Many nudibranchs have gills that look like a floral bloom like the white gills shown on the animal's posterior.

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