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Imagini exemplificatoare pentru wrongdoings

Small photo of A remorseful middle aged asian man regrets his actions and wrongdoings, feeling all alone and lonely. Dealing with mid-life crisis.Small photo of Sorry- Saying sorry and taking responsibility for our mistakes or wrongdoings demonstrates humility, respect, and empathy towards others, and can help repair relationships and prevent further conflictSmall photo of A man instantly regrets his wrongdoings after being arrested. Looking sheepish and defeated. Isolated on a white background.Small photo of A stressed man in handcuffs laments his wrongdoings. Under arrest and detained for a suspected crime. Isolated on a white background.Small photo of A frustrated young Asian man with a beanie hat and a red plaid flannel shirt keeps his hand on his forehead, filled with regret for his wrongdoings, and feels stressed, isolated on blue backgroundSmall photo of Old farmhouse in black and white sitting in the middle of a cotton field. Gives an eerie feeling of past wrongdoings and hardships of African Americans.

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