dictionar englez roman

As it happened, I had the money on me.

As it happened, I had the money on me.Din fericire aveam banii la mine.
As it happened, I had the money on me.Din fericire aveam destui bani la mine.
As it happened, I had the money on me.Din întâmplare aveam banii la mine.
As it happened, I had the money on me.Din întâmplare aveam destui bani la mine.
As it happened, I had the money on me.În mod cu totul întâmplător aveam banii la mine.
As it happened, I had the money on me.În mod cu totul întâmplător aveam destui bani la mine.
As it happened, I had the money on me.Norocul a făcut să am banii la mine.
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