dictionar englez roman


streamlined bodiescaroserii aerodinamice
tasks of approved bodiesatribuțiile organismelor acreditate
the approved bodiesorganele avizate
the bodies referred to in articleorganismele menționate la articolul
The competent bodies are listed in the annex hereto.Lista agențiilor competente figurează în anexă
the long-lasting antibodies responsepersistența anticorpilor
the responsible official bodiesagențiile oficiale competente
these persons and bodiesaceste persoane sau instituții

Este posibil să fie o formă declinată/conjugată/derivată, vezi și rădăcina.

Termeni asemănători cu "Bodies": babbitts, Babette's, Babita's, Baby of the House, babyhoods, bad egg, bad eggs, bad hats, badge, batch, batches, bathos, baths, bats, bawdies, beads, beataxe, beataxes, beats, beauteous, beds, beets, Beth's, Betsey, Betsey's, Betsy, Betsy's, Betta's, Bette's, Betti's, Bettie's, Betty's, Bettye's, biatch, biatches, Biddy's, bidets, bids, bifidus, bitch, bitches, bitchy, bits, boathouse, boathouses, Bobbette's, Bobette's, bodice, bodices, booby hatch, booby hatches, bootees, booties, boots, botch, botches, boutique, boutiques, Bowdie's, bowties, Boyd's, boyhoods, Bud's, buddies, Buddy's, budge, Butch, butch, Butch's, buttes, buttocks, butts, by the touch, by this, bypaths, to baptise, to baptize, to be a dead duck, to be at issue, to be at odds, to be at sea, to be dead easy, to be with the show, to beat goose, to beat out to sea, to beat the Dutch, to bedeck, to bet a cookie, to betake, to bewitch, to bitch, to botch, to budge.

Citat exemplificator în engleză-română

Was it doubted that those who corrupt their own bodies conceal themselves?
(Walt Whitman)
S-a îndoit cineva de faptul că cei care își deformează propriile trupuri se ascund?
(Walt Whitman)
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