dictionar englez roman


haikuhaikutermen japonez, literatură
haikuhaiku-uritermen japonez, literatură
haikupoem clasic de trei versuritermen japonez, literatură
haikupoeme clasice de trei versuritermen japonez, literatură
haikushaiku-uritermen japonez, literatură
haikuspoeme clasice de trei versuritermen japonez, literatură

Termeni asemănători cu "Haiku": hack, hacks, hacksaw, hag, Haggai, hags, haikus, hake, has, hash, hasheesh, hashes, hassock, Hausa, hawk, hawkish, haws, haycock, haycocks, Hayes, Hayes's, Haz, Haz's, haze, hazy, he's, hee-haws, Hew's, Hewe's, Hewey's, Hewie's, hex, hexes, Hezekiah, Hezekiah's, Hiay's, hiccough, hick, high, high seas, highs, highway, highways, hijack, hijacks, hike, his, hiss, hoax, hock, hockey, Hoey's, hog, hoggish, hook, hose, Hosea, hough, house, houses, Howie's, Huey's, hug, huge, Hugh, Hugh's, Hugo, Hugo's, hugs, huies, huis, hush, hush hush, husk, husky, hussy, Hy's, to hack, to hash, to hawk, to haze, to hex, to hiccough, to hijack, to hike, to hiss, to hoax, to hog, to hoise, to hook, to house, to hug, to hush, to husk.

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