dictionar englez roman


Este o conjugare a verbului to spell.

spellsperioade de timpargou în limba engleză
by spellsalternativ
by spellscu schimbul
long spells of fine weatherperioade lungi de timp frumos
to take spells ata participa pe rând laaceeași activitateconjugări
to take spells ata face cu rândulcevaconjugări

Termeni asemănători cu "Spells": shapeless, shopaholic, shopaholics, shovels, shuffles, Sibeal's, Sibel's, Sibella's, Sibelle's, Sibilla's, Sibley's, Sibyl's, Sibylla's, Sibylle's, souffles, soup bowls, spelaeology, spiels, spillage, spillages, splash, splashes, splashy, splice, splices, spoilage, spoilages, spoils, spools, squabbles, supplies, swap lies, swivels, Sybil's, Sybila's, Sybilla's, Sybille's, Sybyl's, syphilis, to splash, to splice, to swap lies, to swap places, to swop places.

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