dictionar englez roman


to bleacha se albiconjugări
to bleacha albiconjugări
to bleacha decoloraconjugări
to bleacha oxigena părulconjugări
The fabrics are bleached, dyed or printed.Țesăturile sunt înălbite, colorate sau imprimate.
unbleached cottonbumbac nealbit

Termeni asemănători cu "bleach": babbles, babels, baby plays, baby-like, bailees, Bailey's, Bailie's, bailiwick, Baillie's, bails, Baily's, balk, balks, balky, ball cock, balls, balsa, baulk, baulks, Baylee's, Beale's, Bealle's, Beilul's, Bel's, Bela's, belch, belches, Belia's, Belicia, Belicia's, Belize, Bell's, Bella's, Belle's, bellicose, bellows, beluga, belugas, Beulah's, bibulous, Bill's, billhook, billhooks, Billi's, Billie's, bills, Billy's, Billyjo, Billyjo's, biology, black, black cohosh, black eye, blackjack, Blake, Blake's, blase, blaze, bleack, bleak, Blee's, bliss, Bliss, Bliss's, Blisse, Blisse's, bloc, block, blockage, blog, bloke, blouse, blowsy, blowzy, blue cheese, blues, bluish, blush, blushes, bollocks, bollox, bowels, bowls, bulge, bulk, bulks, bulky, bull's eye, bullock, bulls, by a fluke, by fluke, bylaws, to babelize, to balk, to baulk, to be ablaze, to be all eyes, to be all legs, to be like, to belch, to bilk, to black, to blaze, to bless, to block, to blush, to bulge, to bulk.

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