dictionar englez roman


to fagota legaconjugări
to fagota pregăti un rugconjugări

Termeni asemănători cu "fagot": facade, faced, faced it out, facet, fact, fagged, faggot, faggotted, fagoted, faked, fascist, fast, fasted, faucet, feast, feasted, fight, fished, fist, fixed, fizzed, focused, focussed, foisted, fought, foxed, fuckhead, fuckwit, fused, fussed, fusty, the fewest, the fishiest, the fussiest, the fuzziest, to face it out, to face it out that, to faggot, to fake it, to fast, to feast, to fight, to fight with, to fish out, to fix it with, to foist.

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