dictionar englez roman

gone mad

Este o conjugare a verbului to go mad.

gone madînnebunit
For a moment there, I thought he had gone mad.Pentru o clipă, am crezut că înnebunise.
For a moment there, I thought he had gone mad.Pentru o clipă, am crezut că o luase razna.

Termeni asemănători cu "gone mad": G-note, gained, gamut, gaunt, geminate, geminated, gent, Giacinta, giant, ginned, gnat, gnatty, gnawed, gnomide, gonad, gummed, gunned, Gweneth, Gwenette, Gwenneth, Gwyneth, to geminate, to gnaw at, to go into, to go mad, to go on a diet, to go on to a diet.

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