dictionar englez roman


pottagesupă deasă
to sell one's birthright for a mess of pottagea se vinde pe un blid de linteconjugări
to sell one's birthright for a mess of pottagea se vinde pe un preț foarte micconjugări

Termeni asemănători cu "pottage": Paddie's, paddies, paddock, Paddy's, pads, Padty's, Pat's, patatos, patch, patches, patchy, Pate's, pathetic, pathos, paths, patooties, patsies, patsy, Patsy, Patsy's, Patti's, Pattie's, Patty's, pay desk, pay desks, pay-days, payouts, pea pods, peaheads, peats, pedagogy, pee heads, peets, Pepita's, Pepito's, Pet's, Peta's, Pete's, petes, Petey's, pets, petty cash, photog, photogs, photos, phthisis, Piet's, pitch, pitches, piteous, podgy, poetic, poetics, pot heads, potato heads, potch, potches, pots, potties, pouts, pudgy, puppet show, put the case, putsch, putsches, putz, putzes, to paddywhack, to patch, to pitch, to pop off the hooks, to potch, to put a tuck, to put to sack, to put to sea, to put to the issue, to put to the touch, to putz.

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