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Este o conjugare a verbului to range.

the strangestcel mai ciudat
the sum of the ranges of the eight sub-samplessuma valorilor celor opt sub-eșantioane
weight percentage rangeslimitele procentajelor în greutate
yellows and orangesnuanțe de galben și portocaliu

Termeni asemănători cu "ranges": rain gauge, Raina's, Raine's, RAM cache, Ram's, Ramesh, Ramesh's, Ramon's, Ramona's, Ramsay, Ramsay's, Ramsey, Ramsey's, ramshack, Rana's, ranch, ranches, Ranee's, range, rangy, Rani's, Rania's, Ranice, Ranice's, Ranique, Ranique's, rank, Ranna's, raunch, raunchy, Rayanne's, Rayian's, Rayme's, Rayna's, Reanna's, Reena's, Reina's, Reine's, Rem's, remaining, remains, remiss, Remus, Remus's, Remy's, Rena's, Renae's, Rene's, Renee's, Renie's, Rennie's, Reno's, Reyna's, Rhiamon's, Rhianna's, Rhiannon's, Rhianon's, Rhona's, Riane's, Riannon's, Rianon's, Rina's, ring, rink, rinse, roaming, Roana's, Roanna's, Roanne's, roaring, roaring success, roaring successes, Romain's, Roman's, romance, Romance, romances, Romances, Romanian sausage, Romanian sausages, Romanians, Romans, Romansh, Romeo's, Romica, Romica's, Romona's, Romy's, Ron's, Rona's, ronchie, Ronen's, Roni's, Ronica, Ronica's, Ronna's, Ronni's, Ronnica, Ronnica's, Ronnie's, Ronny's, roominess, rooms, Rowena's, rowing, ruinous, ruins, rummage, rung, running, runny-nose, runs, Ryan's, Ryann's, to range, to rank, to rank high, to ransack, to remake, to reminisce, to renege, to renounce, to ring, to rinse, to romance, to rummage, to run a saw, to run amock, to run amuck, to run high.

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