dictionar englez roman


reservoirlac de acumulare
tanks, reservoirs and containers of metalcisterne, rezervoare și containere din metal

Termeni asemănători cu "servo": Sarabi, scarab, scarabaei, scarf, scarp, Scorpio, scrap, scrape, scrappy, screw up, scribe, scrip, scrub, scruff, scruffy, scurf, scurvy, seraph, Serbia, serf, sharp, sharpy, sheriff, shrub, shrubby, sirup, size grip, sorb, surf, survey, syrup, syrupy, to saccharify, to scare up, to scarf up, to scarify, to scarp, to scrap, to scrape, to scrape a bow, to screw up, to scribe, to scrub, to scruff, to serve, to shore up, to shrive, to square off, to square up, to survey, to survive, to swerve.

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