dictionar englez roman


rump steaksfripturi din pulpă de vacă
Salisbury steaksturtițe din carne de vită cu ouă, lapte și ceapăartă culinară

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Termeni asemănători cu "steaks": sad to say, Sada's, Sadie's, Satsuki, Satsuki's, schatzie, Scot's, Scotch, scotch, scotches, Scott's, Scotti's, Scottie's, Scottish, Scotty's, scuts, sedge, seditious, Seeds, Seeds's, Seth's, shaddows, shades, Shadow's, shadows, Shaithis, Shaithis's, sheets, shoots, shots, shouts, Sid's, side kick, side kicks, sides, sideways, sidewise, situash, sixths, sixty-six, skates, sketch, sketches, sketchy, skits, skittish, sky scouts, so to say, sockets, sod widows, sods, sottish, squads, Squeedo's, Stace, Stace's, Stacee, Stacee's, Stacey, Stacey's, Staci, Staci's, Stacia, Stacia's, Stacie, Stacie's, stack, stacks, Stacy, Stacy's, Stacye, Stacye's, stag, stage, stagecoach, stagecoaches, stages, stags, stagy, stake, stakes, stases, stash, stashes, stasis, statehoods, states, static, statics, stats, status, status quo, statuses, Stauche, Stauche's, stays, steadies, steak, Stesha, Stesha's, Stew's, stews, stick, sticks, sticky, sties, Stig, Stig's, stitch, stitches, stock, stocks, stocky, stodgy, stogie, stogies, stoic, stooge, stooges, stouts, stowage, Stu's, stucco, stuck, studies, studious, studs, such as do so, such as it is, sudds, suds, suitcase, suitcases, suites, suits, Susette's, Suzetta's, Suzette's, swastika, swatch, swatches, sweats, Swedish, sweetish, sweets, switch, switches, swots, Syd's, to scotch, to seduce, to shout the odds, to sketch, to stache, to stack, to stag, to stage, to stake, to stash, to state a case, to state the case, to stick, to stitch, to stock, to stodge, to stoke, to stucco, to switch.

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