dictionar englez roman


Tonda'slui Tondanume feminin
Tonda'slui Tondanume masculin

Este posibil să fie o formă declinată/conjugată/derivată, vezi și rădăcina.

Termeni asemănători cu "tonda's": Tandi's, Tandie's, Tandy's, Tanith's, Tantza, Tantza's, Tantzica, Tantzica's, tea hounds, Tedmund's, tenants, tenements, tenths, tents, the Twenties, time outs, timeouts, Timothea's, Timothee's, Timotheus, Timotheus's, Timothy's, tin hats, tin tack, tinned cow, tiny tots, to tend to the success, Toinette's, tom-tits, tomato juice, tomato sauce, tomatoes, twenty-six, two and six, Tymothy's.

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