dictionar roman englez


aviz advice
aviz counsel
aviz notice
aviz de concediere dismissal notice
aviz de expediție expedition note
aviz de expediție advice of dispatch
aviz de trecere transit advice note
aviz motivat reasoned opinion
a aviza to adviseconjugări
a aviza to informconjugări
a aviza to give the O.K. tocevaconjugări
a aviza to give the okay tocevaconjugări
a aviza pe cineva de to give somebody notice ofcevaconjugări
avizat counsellee
avizat informed
avizat advisedly
avize de expediție expedition notes
avize de expediție advice of dispatch
avize motivate reasoned opinions
Avizele comitetului științific sunt publicate. The opinions of the scientific committee shall be published.

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Couldn't select: Table './roen_dictionar/citat_cache_roen' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed