dictionar roman englez


bine boon
bine good
bine good
bine good and hard
bine ably
bine all right
bine alright
bine good
bine nicely
bine well
bine so soargou în limba engleză
Bine ai facut că nu te-ai dus. You were wise not to go.
Bine ai făcut! That's the card!
Bine ai făcut! Well done!
Bine ai zis! That's the card!
Bine ai zis! That's the idea!
Bine ai zis! That's the talk!
Bine am mai nimerit-o! A jolly mess I am in!
bine aprovizionat cu cafea well off for coffee
bine aprovizionat cu pantofi well off for shoes

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Couldn't select: Table './roen_dictionar/citat_cache_roen' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed